Record Expungement Articles
Call The Law Office of Brian S. Laviage for a FREE Consultation.
How to get a felony record expunged
Friday, Sep 9, 2016 by Brian Laviage
Five years ago, I was convicted of a felony drug offense. Since then, I have stayed out of trouble and completely turned my life around. Unfortunately, the conviction is still on my record and I am having trouble getting into college. How do I get my record expunged? Tom in San Antonio, TX Unfortunately a felony conviction cannot be expunged or sealed through a nondisclosure. Some misdemeanor convictions can be sealed through a non-disclosure but not felonies.The Meaning of Record Expungement
Tuesday, Sep 6, 2016 by Brian Laviage
During my first year in college, my best friend and I were arrested for minor in consumption walking home from a party at our fraternity. I’m about to graduate and am afraid it will hurt my chances of landing my dream job. He was able to get the conviction expunged from his record. What does it mean to get a record expunged?
Sarah in Austin, TX
Expunging a minor in possession misdemeanor
Friday, Sep 2, 2016 by Brian Laviage
I was at a party that was busted by police my freshman year of college. I happened to be drinking (underage) and I was charged with a minor in possession misdemeanor and convicted - not the greatest way to start college, but it’s been fine since and I will be graduating this year! Anyway, I’d like to clear everything up if possible - is there a way to get this minor in possession conviction off my record?
Jake in San Marcos, Texas
DWI expungement in Texas
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 by Brian Laviage
My boyfriend is thinking about driving for Uber or Lyft, but he got a DUI a few years ago. Do you think it’s possible to pass a background check with a DUI on his record? This is in Texas btw.
Amanda in Dallas, TX