Juvenile Law Articles
Call The Law Office of Brian S. Laviage for a FREE Consultation.
What Should Your Teen Do If They Get Pulled Over?
Wednesday, Jul 31, 2019 by Brian Laviage
As a teen, getting pulled over for any reason by law enforcement can be stressful and scary – especially if he or she is fairly new to driving. In fact, according to a 2018 report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, nearly 10 percent of all traffic stops in the U.S. in 2015 involves a teen driver under the age of 18. Whether it’s for speeding, talking on the phone or texting while driving, or for suspicion of driving under the influence, it’s vital for your teen to understand how to react to being pulled over by a police officer.DUIs and Teenagers in Texas
Tuesday, Jun 25, 2019 by Brian Laviage
The state of Texas has enacted tough alcohol-related laws for minors. Because it’s illegal for anyone who’s underage to consume alcohol in Texas, the state has enacted alcohol “zero tolerance” rules for drivers under age 21. This means it’s a criminal offense for anyone under the age of 21 to purchase, attempt to purchase, consume or possess an alcoholic beverage, or operate a motor vehicle with ANY amount of alcohol in their system.What's the difference between expunging and sealing a juvenile record in Texas?
Monday, May 20, 2019 by Brian Laviage
If you were referred to a juvenile court for conduct before the age of 17 – even without being taken into custody by law enforcement before the referral – you have a juvenile record in the state of Texas. This includes any Class A or B misdemeanors, felony offenses or conduct indicating a need for supervision (CINS) like underage drinking, truancy or running away.
What Legal Rights Do Juveniles Have When Taken Into Police Custody in Texas?
Thursday, Feb 28, 2019 by Brian Laviage
Unlike adult criminal cases, juvenile crimes are handled in civil proceedings according to “The Juvenile Justice Code” within the Texas family code. In this system, the court is seeking what it deems as appropriate justice AND rehabilitation for the youth.
How the juvenile justice system and criminal system differ in Texas
Monday, Feb 4, 2019 by Brian Laviage
The Texas Juvenile Justice Department is emerging as a national model for reform.