Breach of contract with real estate agent

Tuesday, Jun 10, 2014 by Brian Laviage

“I need a lawsuit filed against clients that have a signed EXCLUSIVE LISTING AGREEMENT, to list substantial waterfront property on Lake Livingston. These Sellers have violated multiple duties and did not conform to their duties as Sellers. Their listing agreement will expire with me on: 3-19-2009. Do I have a case?”

If you used a TREC Promulgated Listing agreement, you are entitled to 3% to 6% commission (or whatever you agreed upon) on that property if sold during the listing term. If the sellers refuse to cooperate they may also be liable for damages due to interfering with the agreement. Be sure to hold up your end of the agreement as much as possible because if you are fired for cause, then you may be entitled to nothing. Contact an attorney as soon as possible to review the facts of your case.

Good luck, Brian

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